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School Sores (Impetigo)

Dr Aaron Chambers
We have had a number of children attend with school sores recently. This condition is highly infectious, and it is best to get onto it early, so we thought we should share these tips with you...
School Sores | Impetigo | Brisbane Doctors

We all know that children are great at sharing. School Sores are highly infectious weeping sores that spread easily amongst children - hence the name. Outbreaks commonly occur in families, daycare centres and schools. These highly infectious bacterial lesions typically present with a golden crusted non-healing sore that easily weeps, and may also bleed. It also occurs as a bullous (blistering) form. Commonly affected locations are around the nose, mouth, backs of knees and behind the ears.

Impetigo is typically caused by Staphylococcus or Streptococcus and is spread via direct contact or contact with an infected surface. The classic example was the old-fashioned wooden school chairs scratching the back of children’s knees and causing outbreaks of school sores. Both “Staph” and “Strep” are normal bacteria on the skin, and it is thought that the infectious form represents a particularly virulent strain.

Once one lesion develops, it is very easy to spread the infection to other areas of broken skin, simply by touch or scratching. Because staphylococcus tends to colonise the nose, nose picking is also a common mechanism for spread.

Luckily, School Sores are readily treated, although meticulous attention to eradication is important to prevent recurrence, and children should be removed from school until exposed lesions are dry or able to be covered. We recommend a multi-pronged attack on the infection:

  • Daily use of Phisohex antiseptic body wash for the whole family until the bottle is empty. Pay particular attention to taking the crust off lesions, and to cleaning the groin, buttock crease, armpits, and behind the ears where Staph tends to colonise.
  • Topical use of betadine or prescription antibiotic ointment to infected lesions
  • Nasal treatment with either antiseptic nasal cream or antibiotic ointment to eradicate the virulent Staph from the nose
  • Careful attention to disinfecting items that may spread infection (eg hot wash of bathroom towels)
  • Oral antibiotics may be required for the treatment of multiple or widespread School Sores.


If you notice multiple or rapidly spreading lesions, we recommend you see your

GPin order to ensure you get the sores under control as soon as possible.

Children with eczema are more prone to developing school sores due to their broken skin barrier. Infection with Staph or Strep can also make eczema worse, which is why bleach baths or bath oil with antiseptic is sometimes recommended. Our paediatricians specialise in atopy and eczema, and has great success at working with you GP to get your child's skin in good shape.

Grow Medical has Medical Centres in
Highgate Hill (Gladstone Road near the corner of Dornoch Terrace) and Sherwood (Opposite Sherwood State School).

Click here to book now .

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