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Common Symptoms of Pregnancy (and How to Manage Them!)

Our GPs in Highgate Hill, Sherwood and Oxley love working with you, your midwife and obstetrician to ensure you stay healthy. Here Growlife Medical discusses some of the common symptoms women can experience in their first trimester of pregnancy and how to manage them.
Symptoms of Pregnancy and How to Manage Them | Grow Medical
 Nausea & Vomiting
Commonly known as “morning sickness”, nausea and vomiting from pregnancy can actually occur at anytime of the day although a lot of women report it being worse first thing in the morning. It generally develops between weeks 4-9 of pregnancy and for the majority of women it will subside by 14 weeks. Some tips for managing include:

  • Avoiding an empty stomach by eating regular, small snacks
  • Try to eat immediately on waking. For some women this will mean before they even get out of bed. This is the time when having a few crackers on the bedside table or a partner to fetch you a piece of toast can be helpful.
  • Avoid over-eating at meal time as a really full, distended tummy can also make nausea worse
  • Stick to low fat, carbohydrate based foods such as toast, pasta and crackers
  • Avoid strong tastes and smells that you know trigger your sickness
  • Drink plenty of fluids but again have this in regular, small amounts as sometimes over-filling with water can also make you feel sick. Sometimes flavoured water or sparkling water can help.
  • Sometimes women will need medication to help manage nausea and vomiting. If the suggestions above are not enough, then speak to your GP, Midwife or Obstetrician.

Some women find that they feel exhausted in the early stages of pregnancy and they are not alone. It is tough work creating a new life and your body is working on over-drive. Whilst fatigue can be troublesome at any stage of pregnancy, a lot of women report it being worse in the first and third trimesters. It is important to ensure that other causes for fatigue are considered such as low iron and abnormal thyroid function. But otherwise remember to give yourself a break, take a chance to have an afternoon siesta and accept support from family and friends to help out.

Reflux can become problematic in pregnancy even from early on. It makes sense that the growing uterus starts to put pressure on other organs in the abdomen including the stomach. But even in early pregnancy, the extra hormones running around the body can lead to relaxation of the oesophageal sphincter (the valve that stops food from regurgitating back into the food pipe from the stomach) and lead to reflux symptoms. Some things to help include trying to eat small, regular meals and remaining upright after a meal. Identifying and avoiding trigger foods such as caffeine and spicy food is also helpful.

Just like reflux, pressure from the growing uterus and hormonal changes can also make constipation a problem for some women in pregnancy. It is really important to not ignore this as good bowel function is important to protect the pelvic floor in pregnancy. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water, trying to eat high fibre fruit and vegetables and staying active. If constipation is troublesome then medication may be needed so make sure you chat to your GP, Midwife or Obstetrician.

Increased vaginal discharge
It may not be something you commonly sit around and talk about with your pregnant friends but many women will experience an increase in discharge in pregnancy. So just because others aren’t talking about it, doesn’t mean they aren’t experiencing it. It is quite common for women to experience an increase in vaginal discharge which is generally clear to white in colour and quite liquid. If you notice any change in colour, offensive smell or itch then make sure you get it checked out.

Pregnancy and Early Life Care at Growlife Medical
We hope you enjoy the experience of growing a new member of your family. We believe that pregnancy is a time where the focus on your health can make a life long impact in improving not only your own health, but also your child’s health. A relationship with your GP through pregnancy means that the days and months afterwards form part of a shared journey, which makes for a great start to your baby’s life. Our team of midwives, lactation consultants, GPs and allied health practitioners can’t wait to meet you!

Book Online Now to start your journey to better health.

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My luck seemed to continue after the easy conception. I stayed relatively slim throughout my pregnancy, didn’t have any sickness, and I managed to work until I was 34 weeks along. Sooner or later, though, I knew my luck was going to run out. “What I’d really like to do is give birth in water.” My midwife jotted this down and explained that it may be possible if a bath was available. Perfect! Mere weeks later, the day finally came. I was four days overdue and it was time to see what was going on. The sliding doors at the Royal Brisbane hospital welcomed us. We sauntered down the corridor with giddy excitement. We were welcomed into one of the consulting rooms, where I lay flat on my back, wondering when they would suggest an induction. I had desperately wanted to go into labour spontaneously, but nothing had worked – vigorous sex, running, time in the bath. The midwife poked and prodded my belly. “The baby’s head is displaced, and I think he or she may be quite big. Had they told you that during the ultrasounds?” “Yeah. They said the baby is measuring ahead.” “How would you feel about being induced now?” I paused. “We don’t even have our bag packed.” “That’s okay, we can send your wife home to prepare everything. We can take you up to the ward shortly.” “I see you’ve expressed a desire for a water birth. Because we’re inducing you, that option will no longer be available.” I lay in a ball, awaiting the next step. Any time my stomach hardened with Braxton Hicks, I became excited that this could be it. “Nope, not yet.” The midwife shuffled in and out, checking on me, then going to do her rounds. The Earth inched towards evening as the sky lit up an intense orange, and then darkened; not that I could see it overly well through the hospital shades. As the darkness of night crept in, my labour was induced. My body had let me down – but I was not done. The contractions started and I knew I could do this. I crinkled my nose, proud of myself for how well I was handling the contractions. I laboured on for hours, with cervix dilating on schedule. As I started to become tired from a lack of sleep, the contractions intensified. It was a consequence of the induction hormones and it became unbearable very quickly. Nonetheless, I stayed strong. “Hold onto me.” Natalie said, as I stood in the birthing suite, leaning forwards every time I contracted. Time passed and I waved one midwife off as the next came in and wasted no time checking my cervix. “It’s 8cm. You’ll have a baby in t two hours.” I beamed! It was finally coming together. I continued to feel the tightening of my body with each contraction as they became more frequent. Soon, I felt a sharp, choking feeling around my middle. It knocked the breath out of me. “Is this normal?” “Here do you want some gas?” The midwife passed me the inhaler. I breathed in. “Ugh, it’s not working.” The midwife asked me to spread my legs so she could check my cervix. She looked inside me, then paused. “Your dilation has regressed…” she trailed off and walked out the door to get another midwife. “Hi, I’m Cheryl.” Another midwife walked in, accidentally brushing my forehead with her fingers as she turned around. “Holy smokes, you’re hot!” she exclaimed. She took my temperature. “Forty degrees!” About five minutes later, a doctor arrived. “You have an infection, which is why you have a fever and regressed dilation. Your baby’s head is still displaced. We need to call time on this labour for everybody’s safety.” “Just sign this consent form and we will take you off to the theatre.” I signed rapidly and a midwife came to remove my hormone drip. “Your contractions should stop now.” As soon as she said that, my contractions went from lasting around thirty seconds, to a continuous sensation. “Ahhhh!!! It won’t stop!” I screamed. They started to wheel me down to theatre, ready to prepare me for a caesarean section. When we got there, the doctor started to explain the spinal block. “We’re going to insert some fluid into your spine. Then we’ll put some water on your belly to see if you feel it. Then we’re going to cut just below your bikini line to deliver the baby. Do you want your wife to say if it’s a boy or a girl?” “Oh my God, stop talking!” I writhed in excruciating pain. The contraction that started when they took out the hormone drip hadn’t stopped. The doctor stabbed my spine and I remained curled into a ball with an oxygen mask on. I leaned towards Natalie and the doctor leaned into her ear. “You have to stay strong, for her.” My forehead was sweating and I couldn’t move. “Can you straighten out, please?” The doctor rolled me onto my back and patted just below my bikini line. The nurse poured a few drops of water on the area. “Oh my God, don’t operate!” I yelled. “Okay, we’re going to have to do a general.” The anaesthesiologist leaned in and inserted a needle, which I couldn’t feel above the contractions. It all happened so quickly. This was all completely out of my control now. I had to let go. I inhaled sharply and expressed my only wish. “Don’t tell her the sex of the baby before I wake up!” That was the last thing I remember as the curtain of unconsciousness fell down around me. The next thing I remember is that my eyes were too heavy to open and I felt disconnected from myself, like a butterfly outside of its chrysalis. Was I dead? I opened one eye. I could see the most perfect looking baby on my chest. No blood, no fluid, no bruises. “He’s perfect.” I exclaimed, making an assumption about the sex of my baby before drifting back into the woozy stream of unconsciousness. The next time I woke, someone was holding my baby up in front of my face. They swiftly yanked the nappy down to reveal the sex. “It’s a boy!” We had already named him Soren, for a boy or a girl. It hurt so bad, but I smiled. “Why are you crying?” I looked over at my wife, confused. “It was just a C-section. They do these all the time.” I assured her. “You don’t get it. I almost lost you.” “You lost almost half of the blood in your body. They had to stabilise you. It took a long time. Soren was fine, but you nearly died.” I felt like part of my emotional self was anaesthetised. I could see and hear my own mortality being shared around me, but I couldn’t feel myself hurting. It was completely numbing, as if I’d been sliced through the chest and I was watching my heart exist outside of it weeping and bleeding, but not feeling so much as a twinge. It was almost like my brain was dismembered from my body and I was merely a spectator. The mental impact of his birth raged on and I still feel it today. However, I could not have had my son under any other circumstances. This was his birth. As traumatic and as violent as it was, it brought him to us. Sometimes I still feel split in two, but together, we are family. Felix culpa. Make Sure you vote in the Grow Medical 2020 Essay Competition by going to our Facebook Page , and liking and sharing your favourite Story of Families. If this one is your favourite, tell us why in the comments, and share it by clicking one of the circle icons below. Otherwise, read on with this year's finalists entries...
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